How to Learn iOS Development: Roadmap

Development for iOS is one of the most in-demand skills in mobile app development. While the learning process may seem daunting due to the need for specialised equipment and understanding of unique programming languages, real-life examples show that it is entirely possible to reach a professional level on your own.

Initial Steps

1. Hardware selection:

The first thing an aspiring developer will need is a MacBook, as iOS development is mostly done on Apple computers. At the beginning of your way, you can try to use alternative methods, such as installing Hackintosh on a Windows computer, but for full-fledged work, it is better to buy the original device. 

The quality of work and the availability of the necessary development tools on a Mac will greatly enhance the learning and application creation process. It’s an investment not only in convenience but also in future professional opportunities.

2. Learn the basics:

Objective-C and Swift are the foundation for iOS development. You can start by learning the basics of programming in one of these languages. Some resources provide quick tutorials on the syntax of the languages, which can be a great first step. 

In addition, it’s important to learn basic iOS development concepts such as working with Xcode, UIKit basics, and basic UI elements. This will provide a solid foundation for further learning and practice.

Practical Experience through Hackathons and Projects

Participating in hackathons and creating your own projects from scratch is a great way to get hands-on experience. Developing an app that will solve real-world problems will help you improve your understanding of technology and learn how to work in a team. For example, creating a face detection and speech-to-speech app can be a great starter project. Not only will it improve your programming skills, but you will also learn how to work with the different tools and APIs that are used in iOS development.

Important aspects to participate in hackathons and projects:

  • Choosing a project topic that will be interesting and indicative for the portfolio.
  • Working in a team to develop communication and collaboration skills.
  • Using new tools and technologies to expand professional knowledge.

Studying Existing Projects

Analysing open-source projects on GitHub and studying code written by other developers can help you better understand the structure of applications and industry-accepted coding approaches. It also helps to improve your own coding skills. Looking at other people’s solutions allows you to see different programming styles and understand how you can optimise your own code. It’s also a great opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others without having to repeat them yourself.

Key points for studying existing projects:

  • Analysing the application architecture and design patterns.
  • Studying comments and documentation to understand the application’s logic.
  • Applying the learnt approaches and solutions in your own projects.

Knowledge Sharing and Peer Help

Interacting with other developers and learning through in-house work or study groups will help you dive deeper into the details of iOS development. Asking questions and getting feedback from more experienced colleagues is essential to accelerate the learning process. This creates an environment where you can quickly find solutions and learn from practical examples. It is important not to be afraid to ask and share your knowledge with others as it accelerates professional growth.

Elements for effective knowledge sharing:

  • Regular participation in seminars and technical meetings.
  • Creating your own presentations and materials to educate colleagues.
  • Active participation in professional communities and developer forums.

Learning Resources


Books, official Apple documentation, and articles on programming topics are also valuable resources. Self-study requires discipline and motivation, but allows you to dig deeper into topics of interest. 

Platforms such as GitHub offer access to a plethora of projects that can be studied and modified to better understand real-world applications of programming languages and architectural patterns. 

Studying code written by other developers will teach you how to recognise good practices and avoid common mistakes.

Online Courses and Video Tutorials

Courses on some platforms can offer structured and detailed material on various aspects of iOS development. They are a good starting point for those who are just beginning their journey. 

In addition to the main courses, plenty of video tutorials are available for free on YouTube, where experienced developers share their insights and best practices. These resources are especially useful for visual learning and can help grasp difficult concepts through practical examples and real-world projects.

Useful resources for beginner developers:

  • Video tutorials on the basics of Swift and Objective-C.
  • Courses on developing user interfaces on UIKit or SwiftUI.
  • Workshops on iOS app lifecycle management.

Bottom Line

Becoming an iOS developer is not only about learning new programming languages but also about developing problem-solving, analytical thinking and self-learning abilities. This path requires time, patience, and practice, but opens up great prospects in the mobile app development field. 

Regardless of the chosen method of learning, it is important to constantly practice, and learn new approaches and technologies to stay relevant in the rapidly changing world of technology.