iOS Development Without MacBook

Software development for iOS is traditionally associated with the use of Apple devices, in particular MacBooks. However, not every developer can afford to purchase such hardware. There are alternative methods that allow you to create iOS applications without owning a MacBook. 

These methods include using virtual machines and renting Mac resources on the Internet. Interestingly, this approach to resource sharing and remote access is similar to the practices of casinos internacional, where accessibility and convenience are in constant contact.

Non-Mac Development Options

1. Using a virtual machine:

One available method for developing iOS apps without a MacBook is to install macOS in a virtual machine using a Windows or Linux computer. This approach allows you to experience a full macOS environment, albeit with potentially lower performance. 

Virtual machines are handy for learning and performing simple tasks, but may not be able to handle heavier tasks due to performance limitations. The basic steps for using a virtual machine include:

  • Choosing the right virtualisation software (such as VMware or VirtualBox).
  • Installing a macOS image on the virtual machine.
  • Configuring the virtual machine to optimise performance.

2. Rent Mac resources online:

An alternative and more convenient way to develop iOS apps without a personal MacBook is to rent online Mac resources. This allows developers to use real Mac servers over the internet, paying only for actual usage time. This method is ideal for those who are looking for flexibility and don’t want to invest in expensive hardware. 

Popular services like Macincloud offer a variety of rental plans and a wide range of development tools. The main benefits of renting Mac resources online are:

  • Access to up-to-date macOS versions and development tools.
  • Ability to choose a pricing plan by the hour, day, or month.
  • No physical maintenance or hardware upgrades required.

Development Platforms and Tools

1. Xcode and alternatives:

Xcode is the main integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS, available only for macOS. It provides all the tools you need to build, test, and deploy iOS apps. However, for those who don’t have access to a MacBook, there are alternative solutions for working with Xcode via cloud services. 

For example, Xcode Cloud provides app integration and delivery services integrated directly into Xcode 13. This platform is in beta testing and is only available to developers with activated two-factor authentication. Key aspects of using Xcode and its alternatives:

  • Access to the latest tools and SDKs for iOS development.
  • Ability to use cloud-based versions of Xcode to work on projects.
  • Integration with other Apple services to simplify development and testing.

2. Bitrise for automation:

Bitrise is a platform that specialises in automating app build, testing and deployment processes using Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) approaches. It is ideal for iOS developers working with Swift, Objective-C and Xcode. 

Bitrise simplifies development, allowing you to automate routine tasks and focus on quality and innovation. Here’s what Bitrise has to offer developers:

  • Automation of routine tasks such as building and testing applications.
  • Support for multiple integrations with popular tools and services.
  • A user interface to configure and monitor build and deployment processes.

Incorporating these tools into your development workflow can speed up the application creation process and make it more efficient, which is especially important when you don’t have physical access to Mac resources.


Developing iOS applications without access to a MacBook is becoming more and more affordable thanks to various technological solutions. Using virtual machines or renting Mac resources online allows developers to build and test iOS apps with minimal effort. 

Services such as Macincloud and Bitrise provide powerful development tools and platforms that offer flexibility and convenience for projects. In the future, we can expect to see further simplification of the iOS app development process without the need for Apple hardware.


What are some free alternatives for iOS app development?

You can start by using free trials of cloud-based Mac servers like Macincloud, or experiment with open-source tools and emulators.

Do I need internet to work with rented Mac resources online?

Yes, a stable internet connection is required to access and work with rented Mac resources.

Are there any restrictions on using Xcode in cloud services?

Yes, using Xcode through cloud platforms may be limited by licence agreements and the availability of certain features.

What are the main disadvantages of virtual machines when developing iOS apps?

Virtual machines can be slower than real Macs, especially for resource-intensive tasks.

Can I use an iPad for iOS app development?

Yes, with the introduction of Swift Playgrounds on iPad, you can now create and test basic iOS apps right on the device.